Wisconsin’s Economy

I encourage proposals supporting free markets and minimizing the level of government interference in the marketplace. I oppose policies that could penalize employment or make the state less competitive in the global marketplace.

I believe the federal government and other state governments should look to Wisconsin and Republicans as the model for providing common-sense solutions that help create jobs. To spur economic growth and activity, I will work to lower the tax burden every year.

Health Care

I believe the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in favor of free market solutions. I support proposals to reduce the rising costs of health care that can burden many individuals, families, and employers. I believe in free market solutions to bring down the cost of health care, such as transparency, charity, portability, competition among insurers and providers, and tort reform. I believe individuals should not be subject to government health care mandates or face penalties, and the federal government should not violate the doctor-patient relationship. Health care should always honor the sanctity of life.


I believe every student in every educational setting should receive a quality education. I support investments to ensure a healthy public school system and the freedom of choice in educational options, including, but not limited to, charter schools, home schooling, virtual schools, and a school choice voucher program.  I support local control of education and keeping control of schools in the hands of local elected school boards. I resist any coercion or manipulation of school districts by the state or federal government to control finance, employee compensation, standards, standardized testing or curriculum. I believe the academic freedom of each student must be protected so every student has the right to study without fear of reprisal.  I believe local school districts should develop curriculum which is content rich, fact-based, and encourages critical thinking. I believe history courses should include the study of the founding fathers, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, and natural law. I support educational options that meet the needs of students and the marketplace, including programs as an alternative to college and support efforts to reduce the cost of higher education overall.

I will resist common core and any other unnecessary action that takes away the teacher's ability to teach their own developed curriculum.  

Right to Keep and Bear Arms

I support our right to keep and bear arms embodied in both the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and Article I, Section 25, of the Wisconsin Constitution. I oppose all efforts to require registration of firearms, the confiscation of firearms and/or restriction of ownership, manufacture, transfer, carrying, or sale of firearms or ammunition by law-abiding citizens.

We have an obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation for future generations. I believe no one will better care for Wisconsin’s lands and natural resources than our fisherman and hunters.


I believe that a lower tax burden for all Americans creates a stronger economy and encourages success. I believe the income tax system is unfair and cumbersome. Our tax code should be simple.